উত্তর সমূহ

  1. মোঃ জসিম উদ্দিন, উপজেলা কৃষি অফিসার, চাটমোহর, পাবনা

    Please visit this link for collecting information about red rot of sugarcane:http://krishi.gov.bd/user/pest?inquiry=filter&crop_category=field_crop&crop_id=32&name=

  2. কল্পনা রহমান, উপজেলা কৃষি অফিসার, পটিয়া, চট্টগ্রাম

    Control of Red Rot of Sugarcane:Red rot of sugarcane is hard to control because the stalk from which seeds are prepared has been largely affected from the time of planting, and fungicides cannot reach the infected tissues inside a diseased seed sett. Therefore careful selec­tion of red rot-free seed setts is recommended for planting. Seed should always be taken from disease-free nurseries examined regularly by the cane protection staff.ADVERTISEMENTS:Before planting, each seed sett should be carefully examined and those setts which show reddening should be discarded.The spread of the red rot can be prevented during the growing season by timely rogueing and burning of the affected clumps with utilization of the green leaves for cattle fodder. In no case ratoons of sugarcane should be kept in the red rot affected fields. Attention should always be given to sanitation by digging out stubbles of di­seased canes and burning them with other trash in the field.Where facilities are available for hot water treatment of seeds, they can be uti­lized for controlling red rot of seed (treat in water at 50°C., for two hours). Treating seed with fungicides like Arasan (0.25 per cent.) is often effective.The use of sugarcane varieties resistant to red rot is also recommended. Some of the resistant varieties are: Co. 975, 1148, 1158, 1336 and 6611; Co. S 561, 574; B.O. 3, 10, 47.The possibilities of an epidemic is very much minimized with the practice of long crop rotations (2 to 3 years) where planting is done in plots.One of the best ways to reduce the incidence of the disease is to raise healthy stock for planting in plots especially fertilized, cultivated, and kept disease-free by constant care.